Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Area: 70,280 square kilometers
Capital: Dublin
Population: 3,500,000
Offical language: Irish
Currency: Punt
Political structure: Parliamentary republic
Highest mountain: Carrantouhill (1,040 m)
National symbols: the harp, the shamrock

Which river is the main and the longest river in Ireland? Write your answer as a comment.


Unknown said...

The main river in Ireland is the River Shannon 386 km (240 mi), the longest river.

Anonymous said...

River Shannon is the longest river in Ireland, 386km.

Jure said...

River Shannon :)

ALex said...

River Shannon ;)

zigi said...

What they said;)


So it must be the River Shannon if you say so...


Which famous city stands at the Shannon Estuary (place where the Shannon flows into the Atlantic Ocean)?

Argos said...

Ireland's longest river is Shannon.


zigi said...

The river Shannon and Martin Strel is going to swim across it.

danijel said...

longest river is Shannon

Luka said...

I agree with Danijel